Rockin’ Retirement with J’Neanne Theus
Welcome to Rockin’ Retirement: Busier Than Ever & On A Mission, hosted by financial strategist and retirement architect, J’Neanne Theus. This isn’t your grandparent’s version of retirement, where the days are filled with sedentary pastimes and idle hours on the front porch. Today’s retirees are reporting they’re busier than ever, buzzing with goals, dreams, and a schedule that might make the average professional blush. On Rockin’ Retirement, J’Neanne offers listeners a fresh perspective on the golden years, demonstrating how retirement is not a sunset, but rather, a new dawn. We’ll explore the emotional and financial dimensions of this life phase, providing concrete strategies for how you can prepare and adjust to maintain this high level of activity and achieve your ambitions. Join us as we delve into topics such as developing a sustainable financial plan, redefining your identity and purpose post-career, managing your time effectively, and navigating the emotional landscape of this exciting, yet often misunderstood stage of life. Rockin’ Retirement is your compass to navigate this new terrain. Join J’Neanne, and let’s redefine what it means to retire. Because the journey doesn’t end here - it’s only just beginning. Welcome to the Rockin’ Retirement! If you have any questions, visit J’Neanne online at or call 443-718-6310.#401k #IRA #Roth #Investments #MutualFunds #DefenseContractors #Freedom #Stocks #Retire #Retirement #FinancialPlan
Thursday May 07, 2020
Her Wealth Matters Series: How Do We Create Predictable Income?
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
We’re living in a unique period of time where uncertainty seems to be the driving force across many sectors. The health crisis has forced us all to make changes to our daily lives and our finances, and that has a lot of people thinking about ways to generate predictable income. Let’s explore this idea by looking at ways this is done but identifying reasons why this might not always benefit you.
Today's show schedule:
0:48 – Who wouldn’t want a little predictability right now?
1:34 – What retirement income sources appear predictable but might not be?
4:48 – Is there really such a thing as guaranteed income in retirement?
6:23 – J’Neanne shares examples of people who have faced income issues.
8:27 – What do you do if inflation decreases the value of your predictable income?
9:38 - Life events can throw off your plan if don’t prepare correctly.
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Her Wealth Matters Series: Social Distancing for Your Money
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
We’re all doing our best to take the social distancing guidelines to heart by changing the way we’re living right now, but let’s take a break from the seriousness of it all with a lighter discussion on separation. What would that look like if social distancing was applied to your financial planning?
Today's rundown:
0:40 – Some background on our topic today.
2:31 – First one: Your emergency fund and the stock market
5:38 – Second one: Life insurance and our investments.
7:42 – Third one: High turnover investment strategies and after-tax brokerage accounts
10:10 – Final one: Your emotions and your investment decisions.
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Her Wealth Matters Series: Market Crash Hall of Fame
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
We closed out the month of March with an unprecedented month in the stock market as the coronavirus caused fear and uncertainty throughout the country. To get a little perspective on what we’re witnessing, let’s take a look back through history at the worst market crashes of all-time.
Today's rundown:
1:06 – Black Tuesday in 1929.
2:24 – J’Neanne shares her personal experience of getting hammered by the market during the Dot Com bubble.
3:30 – Panicking in these situations can make things worse.
3:47 – Post 9/11 historical single day decline
4:27 – The Crash of 2008
8:16 – We have clients that don’t care how it works. They just want to know that it will work.
8:36 – A lot of people will try to outpace the market and that’s a critical mistake.
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Her Wealth Matters Series: What’s Your Level of Desire to Retire?
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Retirement come in many different forms and we all create our own vision of the day we make that exciting transition. Maybe you’re someone that plans to work as long as you can or you the person that’s ready to retire as soon as possible. We all have a different level of desire when it comes to retirement, and today we’ll span the spectrum with J’Neanne Theus.
Today's show rundown:
0:47 – Here’s what our topic is all about. Let’s determine what each of these statements mean.
1:26 – Level 1: ‘I don’t see myself retiring because I love what I do.’
3:27 – Level 2: ‘I guess I could retire but I don’t hate working so I might as well keep doing it.’
6:10 – Level 3: ‘I would like to retire in a few years, but I really have no idea when I can.’
8:04 – Level 4: ‘I always pictured myself working a few more years but retirement is starting to look better and better.’
11:39 – A lot of people have early buyouts that play into level 4.
13:15 – Level 5: ‘I want to retire tomorrow. If I don’t quit this job right now I’ll have to be put into an asylum.’
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Her Wealth Matters Series: How Bias Affects Your Investing Decisions
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Many different types of bias can play a role in the decisions an investor makes and most of the time it results in a negative outcome. Let’s highlight six of the biases that we see clients use for their financial decisions and explain how they affect your portfolio.
Today's show rundown:
1:03 – A recent study looked at the ways financial bias impacted investors decisions.
1:37 – Confirmation bias is one we see a lot.
3:13 – Loss-aversion bias is a really big one because we feel the negative
5:28 – We feel losses much more than the gains.
6:36 – Disposition Effect Bias, what does this mean to investing?
7:35 – J’Neanne shares an example of how this impacted a client.
9:12 – Hindsight bias makes you feel like you an event was predictable.
10:13 – Familiarity bias led a lot of people to be hit hard in 2008.
11:55 – Let’s explain self-attribution bias.
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Her Wealth Matters Series: How Emotions Impact Financial Decision-Making
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
A lot of people like to think they’re making decisions based on logic and facts, but the truth is emotions typically play a role in our decision-making process. As you can imagine, we have many strong feelings when it comes to our money and that can become a problem for your retirement plan.
Today's rundown:
0:56 – Let’s talk about emotional decision-making.
1:30 – Which emotions are likely to drive financial decisions?
3:02 – Fear also keeps people from getting back into the market.
4:47 – Greed is another driving factor, especially when things are going well.
5:32 – Quit letting those emotions control your decisions when it comes to finances.
6:05 – Both genders react differently at times but we all have confirmation bias and pay attention to the info that supports our opinions.
7:06 – We can’t completely shut off emotions so when is it okay to let them push us in a certain direction?
8:07 – Aversion bias is another thing we deal with.
9:01 – J’Neanne shares an example of a time she was able to make the math match the emotions for a client.
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Her Wealth Matters Series: Inheritances 101 – What You Need to Know
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Most of us have very little experience with inheritances. Would you even what steps to take after receiving money or property? Today we’ll identify the mistakes people make when preparing an estate plan, what you should do if you receive an inheritance, and talk about other things you should consider.
Today's rundown:
0:52 – We want to spend some time on inheritance today.
1:20 – Most of us don’t have any experience to draw on when it comes to handling inheritances.
2:22 – The first issue many people worry about is taxes. What do we need to know on that front?
5:06 – How much has the SECURE Act changed the way people are planning?
6:52 – What are some common mistakes people make with their estates that make it more difficult for their beneficiaries?8:27 – J’Neanne shares a story of someone who died before changing beneficiaries.
9:20 – What about the common mistakes people make after receiving an inheritance?
12:42 – What are the first steps someone can take when receiving an inheritance?
13:45 – Americans don’t often think about multi-generational planning but a proper advisor can help you with that long-term planning.
16:30 – Here’s the bottomline on what you need to do now.
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Her Wealth Matters Series: Welcome To The New Series
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
The focus of our podcast has shifted and today we’re going to tell you why by giving you the background behind the decision, why we feel this new objective is so important, and the goals for the show. Plus, we’ll learn more about J’Neanne’s career and how she got into this career after her time in the military.
Show Agenda:
1:30 – Welcome to the new show!
2:30 – Why did the show name change and what’s the meaning behind the new name?
3:10 – J’Neanne’s grandparents had a big influence on her.
4:42 – Our business and show not just about investing but every decision that goes into retirement planning.
6:54 – Who is the ideal listener for this show? Is it just women?8:29 – Women aren’t prepared well enough for retirement and that’s what we want to focus on.
10:49 – We will also talk about how you can be more of a partner in a relationship.
11:42 – Along the lines of relationships, women can end up in a difficult situation following divorce or death of a spouse.
13:45 – How did J’Neanne get into the financial planning business?
17:28 – A lot of J’Neanne’s family has military and service experience.
19:17 – What do you like most about being in this business?
20:29 – What does a typical weekend look like for J’Neanne?
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Helping You Find Bias in Financial Media
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
We all want to stay informed when it comes to investing but it’s more important to make sure the research you’re doing isn’t actually misleading us. Unfortunately, some of the information out there isn’t completely unbiased. Let’s talk about some of the problems with the financial media. Plus, we have a big announcement!
Show notes and additional resources:
Today's rundown:
0:56 – We have some news! This is the final mission.
2:51 – Today we’re talking bias in financial media.
3:29 – First bias: Sensationalism
6:06 – Second bias: Paid Placement
9:17 – A common way paid placement happens on radio to build credibility for advisors.
11:03 – Third bias: Wrong Audience
14:08 – Fourth bias: An Axe to Grind
16:40 – What does J’Neanne tell her clients about dealing with these biases?
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Estate Planning Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Not everyone chooses to leave a financial legacy, but if you’re someone who would, then estate planning is crucial. Make it a part of the conversation when you’re working on retirement, but make sure you avoid these critical mistakes.
Show notes and additional resources:
Today's rundown:
0:56 – Happy New Year! How were the holidays?
4:08 – It’s a great time to start talking about your estate plan.
4:59 – How many of J’Neanne’s clients have an interest in leaving an estate?
6:39 – No matter what your plans are, you need to have a plan for your exit.
9:41 – First estate planning mistake: Failing to plan for expenses that can be foreseen, like healthcare. 12:14 – Second mistake: Failing to update beneficiary designations.
13:26 – J’Neanne shares a story of someone that didn’t finish updating his beneficiaries.
15:20 – Third mistake: Failing to take steps to avoid conflict between family and heirs.
17:55 – Fourth mistake: Transferring real estate while living rather than upon death.
20:35 – Final Mistake: Failing to consider the tax obligations of your estate.
23:10 – How often are you discussing estate planning with clients?
27:00 – Remember that your legacy doesn’t always have to be monetary.